Sunday, February 27, 2011

February Giveaway

I'm sure most of you know by now that I recently invested in an embroidery machine.  Over the past few weeks I have had a lot of fun experimenting with my new toy and coming up with new product ideas!  I know name tape bracelets are pretty popular so this weekend I took that idea and added a little more "personality and flair!"  

ACUnique Boutique's Camo Cuffs

For the month of February I would like to giveaway a custom version of "The Wife Cuff" to one of you lucky ladies.  You will be able to choose your accent fabric, font, thread color and branch of service.  It will be customized to fit your wrist size. 

"The Wife Bracelet" made in MARPAT with hot pink embroidery

To enter to win The Wife Bracelet all you have to do is comment on this blog posting by answering the following questions:
What is your name?
What is your email address? (I need this so I can contact you if you win)
What is your favorite thing about being a military wife?

This giveaway will run until 5 March.  Winner will be randomly selected and will be notified via email no later than 7 March. 

Good luck!


  1. Ashley Watts
    I am not a military waife yet but i will be in June. But my favorite thing about being with a military man is being there for him through the think and thin. When he is crying and when he is joyfull. Just being with him is everything to me.

  2. Valerie
    My favorite thing about being a military wife is being able to show my appreciation and support for what my hubby does not just for us but for this country. I love how we are able to travel together (minus deployments) with our kiddos and experience this wonderful sometimes hectic lifestyle. Being a military wife has made appreciate the smaller things in life and not to take anything or anyone for granted.

  3. My name is Crystal Parker and my email is One of my favorite thing about being a Military wife is the pride I swell up with everytime I see him put on his uniform. He is my Hero and I'm so proud of him and what he's doing for his country!!

  4. Senecca Robben - Allen,
    My favorite thing about being married to my husband whom is in the army, is the dedication between him and I and his dedication to this country. Only real men can dedicate there life to this country! An has taught me to a stronger more independant woman. An you also get to meet amazing women whom are going through or has been in almost all the same situations you have been in!

  5. *** My favorite thing about being a military wife is the prestige, honor, and pride that comes with being married to a man that fights for the freedom and liberties we as Americans enjoy everyday! ... and my man looks mighty fine in his uniform!***

  6. Viviana
    What I love about bein an Army Wife is the pride I feelin seein my hubby sacrifice the "normal" life to protect us and all the wonderful wives I have meet throughout our travels

  7. My name is Tasha.
    My favorite thing about being an Army wife is the sence of pride and love for our country! I love the sisters I have made and will make.

  8. Melissa
    My favorite part about being a military wife is the overwhelming pride I have for my husband. Knowing that his job is to serve and protect this country is so special to me. No matter how tough this road may be at times I wouldn't change it for the world.

  9. Kelli Stratton

    My favorite thing about being an Army wife is whenever we go out and my husband is in uniform, seeing people come up to him and thanking him for what he does, and it fills me with joy knowing that I'm married to that man, and he is serving our country, to help protect our freedom, and how much people appreciate him.

  10. My name is sheila furman
    My email is
    I love how being a military wife teaches you to not take things for granted. We live every day to its fullest because you never know when the next time you get that opportunity to do so again. You have to make friends fast and enjoy that time together cuz next month you might not get too. Hooah!

  11. Katherine
    What I love about being a military wife is the sense of pride I get everyday knowing my husband fights to keep us free. More specifically, the many lives that are kept safe because of my EOD Tech gives me such a wonderful feeling that words can't explain.

  12. Amanda
    amanda dot ofstedahl at us dot army dot mil
    The pride in knowing that my husband fights for and defends the liberties that others take for granted. That he sacrficies great amounts on a daily basis so that hopefully our children won't have to.

  13. Sarah
    I'm not sure if I'm eligable for this contest because I'm only a girlfriend, but I'd like to share what my favorite thing about being a military girlfriend is. I love that I've become more independent and self sufficient being in a long distance relationship and I love how it's made me a more positive person even though all of our experiences are't positive and there are a lot of let downs. But, I keep my head up because I know I've been blessed with the most amazing and true love in this world, military love <3

  14. Karen

    My favorite thing about being a Navy wife is the pride i feel everyday knowing my husband is serving with many other men and woman who give their all to keep us free, and all the wonderful people i have met through out our time in the navy.

  15. Jocelyn
    I think my favorite thing would have to be that it has taught me to nit take time for granted. I am greatful for all the time that we have together and truly value it and of course I love being proud of my man! I have so much pride for him and all those he serves with!

  16. Stephanie P.
    I love all the people you met in the different places you go. And I definitely love all the first kisses we get.

  17. Brynn

    My favorite part of being a military wife is the pride I have for my husband each and every day. Knowing the sacrifices he has made and all of the tough choices he has made were all done for our family and our country gives me an overwhelming feeling of love. Whenever someone smiles when I tell them what my husband does for a living, or a stranger shakes his hand and says "thank you" when he is somewhere in uniform, I know that they are grateful, and I am proud.

  18. Cara Webb

    My favorite thing about being a military wife is the pride I have for my husband and the fact that I get to show my support no matter what! He always knows that no matter what I will support him and I love it! I love seeing all of the men and women in uniform look at me funny when I smile at them and when they ask what my husband does and I tell them that he is in the military they thank me for being his wife because they understand that we sacrifice too. Its an amazing feeling to be thanked by someone who is in the service themselves because you are a military spouse! I love being able to go to the ceremonies with my husband and watch him be recognized as it sends a wave of emotion through me to know that he is my husband! I also love the fact that everyone he serves with knows me and they have all been very welcoming to me as I have been to them!

  19. Name: Crystel Hill

    My favorite part of being a military wife is the honor of being married to my Sailor. What a privelege to be married to a man who puts God first, then love of Country....he constantly gives and gives and asks for litte in return. I admire the sacrifices he has made in order to contribute to the security of our Nation and the freedom of other Nations. He willing puts on his uniform and stands tall and proud as a US Sailor, and I stand next to him, as tall as I can at 5ft, and proud to be supporting him and waiting for his return.

  20. My favorite thing about being a military wife, is everytime I see my husband it's like love at first sight for the 2nd 3rd 4th etc etc etc time. Not many people get to fall in love more than one or two times in their life but we as military spouses get to fall in love more times than we can count with the same man over and over and over again. It's like highschool puppy love, passing notes, butterflies in the tummy, that spinny floating feeling, everytime your husband walks into a room, walks off a bus, leaves a helicopter or better yet, gets off a plane after a long time apart.

  21. Oops i'll repost with the right info I had to copy n paste my computer locked up I am sorry...
    Name Ashley Parsons

    My answer is above but posted again here...

    My favorite thing about being a military wife, is everytime I see my husband it's like love at first sight for the 2nd 3rd 4th etc etc etc time. Not many people get to fall in love more than one or two times in their life but we as military spouses get to fall in love more times than we can count with the same man over and over and over again. It's like highschool puppy love, passing notes, butterflies in the tummy, that spinny floating feeling, everytime your husband walks into a room, walks off a bus, leaves a helicopter or better yet, gets off a plane after a long time apart.

  22. Ashleigh Morrow
    My FAVORITE thing about being an Army wife is the simple fact that I can point to my man and say "THAT'S MY HUSBAND!!"

  23. Marissa Frederick
    My favorite thing about being a military wife is being able to travel and always meet new people. Also, being so proud of my husband for doing what he's doing and fighting for our country!! :)

  24. Brandi Arthur
    My favorite thing about being with a military man is that the military has given us both options we prolly wouldn't have ever had on our own, like my husband being on the path to become a psychiatrist. Watching him over these last couple years grow into not only an amazing person, but an awesome airman, and provider (which is not an easy feat for a guy at 24). Of course, I am proud of him for putting on his uniform and serving his country and all that, but I'm just really grateful for him being able to get an education and do something he loves with a sense of pride and a genuine wanting to help out other military members who walk through the doors of that clinic. And I gotta be honest, the uniform is a plus. :)

  25. Amanda Smith

    My favorite thing about being a military wife is learning how independent I am. Before we got married, I considered to be independent but I was always around family and in a place that I grew up in and I was never really "on my own." After my husband and I got married, I moved to a different state and didn't know anyone. I was scared at first and it took me months before I would even drive anywhere alone without my husband, but now I know no matter where we go, I can do anything LOL. And I also LOVE being able to be home and take care of my kids and watching them grow up. When my husband joined the military, a lot of opportunities opened up for our families that I will always be grateful for!

  26. Jen Edwards, sewsquare at yahoo dot com.
    My favorite thing about being a military wife is being able to move into a newly cleaned house every three years. Look, I've been married for nearly 18 years, my priorities have changed. *grin* Of course I am proud of my husband, and my country, but on a real visceral level, I'm a slob with simple needs.

  27. Christina Quintero

    What is your favorite thing about being a military wife?
    really im not sure what my favorite thing is but right now its going to be the look on my son's face when we go to the airport to see his daddy :]
    those are the moments i live for and will always touch my heart every single time.

  28. amber farrar

    Q~ My fav thing about being a military wife is, that
    -I am happy me and my family can be together and have health ins. It is a big thing to me that we are all health and can be ok where we are at and dont have to worry about anything ! I LOVE being a military wife .!

  29. Dawn Fitzner
    My favorite thing about being a military wife is how proud I feel of him for serving his country. He is currently serving his 3rd tour. It takes a strong woman to be married to a military man!

  30. Kathy Nagel

    I love being a military spouse for the sense of pride that I have for my country and my husband for the job that he has. Also, for being able to live all around the world and that my children get to experience things that will stay with them forever.

  31. Ashley strand
    My favorite part about being a military wife is the family. Just by being involved with the military you inherit thus huge group of people that'd there for you in thick and thin, through deployments and homecomings. It is truley amazing

  32. Daniele Gerstenkorn
    What I love about being a military wife other than my husband (joining to provide for our family) is the Friends that become family, all the support they give and can stand by you because they know what is like, they have been through or are going through it with you!

  33. My name is Ashley Kelly,
    My favorite part of being an army wife is the sense of pride I feel in my husband. He is so strong and so brave at all times. He is always ready and willing to do what needs to be done to protect our great country!

  34. My name is Holly Borstad.
    My favorite part of being an army wife is all of the wonderful people and places we would never have met/seen if my husband were not in the service. It has been such a wonderful experience and I am excited to see what comes next.

  35. My name is Monica Johnson
    My favorite part about being a military wife is being able to have my own hero who is willing to do what he has to protect his family and country and I am proud to call him my husband.

  36. My Name: Kari Warnstedt

    It's hard to pick one thing, because they are many blessings to being a military wife. overwhelmingly favorite thing about being a military wife is being able to support my husband, I am so proud of what he does! It isn't an easy job and so often members of the military are not appreciated.

  37. Kyla Sage
    When cosidering the things that make me proud to be an Army Wife there are many that come to mind. First is knowing that my husband fights for the freedoms and liberties people take for granted. So many people consider them rights but honestly without people like our husbands fighting for them they would not be possible. I also love being able to meet people form around the country and world, and learn and become for understanding to their traditions and customs. I have made lifelong friends that become more like family then friends because of the connection you make. Thirdly I love the more the lesson of humbleness thatI have learned, I like to do more things for others without being noticed because I feel that the little things I do are nothing compared to the sacrifices out military members make and its just something I need to do.

  38. my name is Krista Summey
    my email

    my favorite thing about being a military wife is that no matter how long we have been apart(hes stationed in Japan i live in the states and he is now deployed) our love and our bond is as strong as EVER! we have been married for just over a year and of that year weve only seen each other a month and a half, but that doesn't put a damper on our love for each other!

  39. Mari Masters
    Simply put, I love being a Navy wife bcuz it gives me a sense of pride. Of knowing that supporting my man in uniform is making a difference. It is sleepless nights alone, raising our 2 kids alone, knowing that i DO have the strength to do all of this and take pride from every bit of it! I feel honored and blessed to be part of a different way of life, and a part of such a special group of spouses.

  40. My name is Beverly Hall

    I love being able to stand beside my husband through everything and even when he is away we can stay in close contact through the day and night as need be. I enjoy being able to be a soldiers wife and stand in the gap when I need to be both MOM and WIFE!!!!!!!!!

    My name was amanda lee dawson

    My favorite thing about being a military wife is that now my name is amanda lee richardson and he wears our name on his uniform everyday.

  42. My name is Crystal Carter, my email address is My favorite thing about being a military wife is getting to relive my days on active duty through my husband. Sometimes I wish I was still serving but it's really hard to be a dual military family!
